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Saturday 9 January 2016

6mm Austrians - 200 point Blucher Army

As I said when I posted my 200 points of French, my next task was 200 points of Austrians to match them an now here they are.

I really do love how colourful the Austrian Hussars are especially.

The Army.

I Corps - 4 German Infantry, 1 Conscript Grenzer, 2 Artillery.

II Corps - 4 German Infantry, 1 Conscript Grenzer, 1 Artillery and 1 Cheveax Leger.

III Corps (Cavalry) - 1 Cuirassier, 4 Hussars.

The plan is to add on another 100 points to both the French and Austrian armies in time, but I haven't decided what the make up of this will be yet.