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Monday 6 April 2020

10mm WW2 figures - British, German, American and Italian

Over the past few years I've been slowly gathering a collection of 10mm WW2 platoons plus supports to play Chain of Command on a pinboard, a very economical and space saving meaasure.
I'm happy with the look.

German Platoon

British Cromwell and German Hetzer

StuG III, Sd.Kfz 221, 25 Pounder, and a German 7.5cm Light Infantry Gun

Italian Coastal Defence Platoon

Italian Nuclei Antiparacadutisti (Anti-Paratrooper Truck)

British Platoon
6 Pounder

American Paratrooper platoon

1 comment:

  1. Can I ask what sizes you used for your bases please...I like the look and I need to rebase mine
